April Newsletter


Help add beauty/personal care containers to Ridwell

From used-up toothpaste tubes and soap pumps to eyeshadow compacts and mascara wands, recycling personal care and beauty empties is a huge challenge.

Many of these items are too small to be accepted curbside and some contain mixed materials. That’s why we’re thrilled to share that we’re in the final stages of investigating a way to add them to our service—and we want your input!

Your input in this short survey will help us put the finishing touches on our offering (the lip gloss, if you will!).

Special Community Builders event

You’re invited to a conversation with Edward Humes

This month, we’re highlighting a book we love that happens to feature Ridwell, Total Garbage by Edward Humes. It’s a great read that shines a light on people and communities who are making a difference in the fight against waste while also explaining exactly why waste is public enemy number one. 

Edward has graciously agreed to join us for a special conversation with Community Builders! It’ll be a great chance to ask questions or just listen in on what’s sure to be an engaging and enlightening chat. 

Please register to join us so we can collect a count and remind you when the date draws closer.

What: A conversation between Community Builders and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Edward Humes, author of Total Garbage and Garbology

When: Tuesday, May 21 at 5pm PT / 8pm ET

Where: Zoom

Hear from Gerrine, our VP of Partnerships

All about coffee bag recycling

As you know, we recently started accepting coffee bags for recycling by our partner HydroBlox. In this video she recorded just for Community Builders, Ridwell VP of Partnerships Gerrine Pan takes you behind the scenes of how we research and launch new materials. Check it out >

Know any senior living professionals?

We’d love to be introduced to folks who work in leadership at senior living communities. We’re in the initial stages of learning if we can create a dedicated program for senior living residents and very much welcome connections you can make to help us explore the opportunity. You may have seen this request in the Community Builders Facebook group as well and there’s no need to respond again if you already commented—thanks again to those who did! Let us know >


We have a Facebook group

The Ridwell Community Builders Facebook group is up and running! We love seeing you there and welcome everyone to join.